What you see above was a Christmas gift from my well-intentioned Mother-in-Law. Now, before we get started, let me say that she did *NOT* make this. She simply bought it at a local "Trade Days" expo they held before Christmas. With that out of the way, let's get cracking. The person who put this together snagged 16 Topps 1990 cards and put them in a picture frame. My mother-in-law bought it because it had an Indians player in the mix, which was very thoughtful of her. What was *not* thoughtful was the doof that attached the cards in place:

Yes, I took the frame apart to see how the cards were attached. With a little prying, the crime had become blatently obvious - it was.... soap... poisoning... Er, I mean, it was GLUE! Is that the biggest crime here? That is dependent upon your point of view. The fact that these are 1990 Topps and not 1968 is a good sign. The fact they aren't serially numbered, game-used items is also a nice touch. The fact that I don't know several of the players on the board is where I get mixed feelings. On one hand, it would be nice to have a display of well-known players of the time. On the other, if they were well-known, would we want them glued to the cardboard insert that came with the frame? That's a toughie. Feel free to chime in.
I thanked my mother-in-law profusely for the frame and assured her it was better she bought it for me to appreciate than to wind up in the trash bin where it was probably headed (though, I am sure I put that much more delicately). Besides, when you live next door to your mother-in-law and on your in-law's land, it's always better to choose your battles carefully. Baseball cards glued into a picture frame is not one of those times.
For those interested, the cards are: Walt Terrell (Yankees), Lance McCullers (Yankees), Ray Searage (Dodgers), Joe Price (Red Sox), Ron Darling (Mets), Charlie Hough (Rangers), Jim Deshaies (Astros), Pete Smith (Braves), Richard Dotson (White Sox), Jamie Moyer (Rangers), Brook Jacoby (Indians), John Cerutti (Blue Jays), Scott Garrelts (Giants), Gregg Jefferies (Mets), Stan Belinda (Pirates), and Randy Kramer (Pirates). Oh, and I taped Terrell back into place after the picture. I didn't have any glue handy.