More like a "Things Done WITH Cards-style post here today, boys and girls. Here we go...
One day, many moons ago, I found that our beloved Topps Company offered, and still does, a "No Purchase Necessary" deal. How, you may ask, does it work? By digging out my magnifying glass, and squinting at the fine print, here's what I found....

"For the chance to obtain any of the cards above, (inserts) at the same odds, (from 1:3-1:40,000-there's a yeah, right insert for ya) while supplies last, hand print your name and address on a 3 x 5 card (What if I do it an a 4 x 6 card? Will they refuse to mail anything to me?)
and mail in a #10 envelope to NPN 2011 Topps Baseball...etc, etc. Only one card per envelope, mailed separately, (eh?) postmarked by November 16th, 2011 and received by November 23rd 2011..." and then it talks about how you must do a multiplication problem too if you are of Canadian descent. Yeah, sure, okay.

This I did, I mailed a card in a #10 envelope, and waited. Last week, lo and behold, I received a small manila envelope.

What could be inside?

Oh, wow! It's an insert card of recently-alleged-steroid-user Ryan Braun! Cool!

Two days later... (Yes, I did this for Series one and two...I'm just crazy that way...)
Same deal with a small manila envelope and....

Ta-da! A Bob Feller 60 years of Topps insert!
So what do you think? Is this some sort of out reach thing by Topps for poor kids without 2 bucks to buy a pack of cards with? I really wonder if any actual card collectors do this...Anyone? Any and all feedback from you all would be welcomed.